Arce, A. et al
UK museum specimen metadata and procrustes distance between left and right forewings, for five bumblebee species
Cite this dataset as:
Arce, A.; Cantwell-Jones, A.; Tansley, M.; Barnes, I.; Brace, S.; Mullin, M.; Notton, D.; Ollerton, J.; Eatough, E.; Rhodes, M.W.; Bian, X.; Hogan, J.; Hunter, T.; Jackson, S.; Whiffin, A.; Blagoderov, V.; Broad, G.; Judd, S.; Kokkini, P.; Livermore, L.; Dixit, M.K.; Pearse, W.D.; Gill, R. (2022). UK museum specimen metadata and procrustes distance between left and right forewings, for five bumblebee species. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
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This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
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Data comprise the collection label details of museums specimens for five bumblebee species (Bombus hortorum, B. muscorum, B. lapidarius, B. pascuorum and B. sylvarum) from five UK museums (Natural History Museum (London), National Museums Scotland, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, and World Museum (Liverpool)).
The details include species, collector, date collected, location, and caste. The location for each specimen was geotagged using Google Maps’ Geocoding application programming interface. Each specimen had its left and right forewing landmarked, with the wing shapes aligned using a Procrustes alignment, and Procrustes distance between the wings calculated.
The data came from a digitisation program as part of a NERC funded Standard Grant awarded to R. Gill (NE/P012574/1) and I. Barnes (NE/P012914/1).
The details include species, collector, date collected, location, and caste. The location for each specimen was geotagged using Google Maps’ Geocoding application programming interface. Each specimen had its left and right forewing landmarked, with the wing shapes aligned using a Procrustes alignment, and Procrustes distance between the wings calculated.
The data came from a digitisation program as part of a NERC funded Standard Grant awarded to R. Gill (NE/P012574/1) and I. Barnes (NE/P012914/1).
Publication date: 2022-07-25
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV), R
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
Provenance & quality
Bumblebee museum collections were digitised (label data entered digitally, and dorsal images taken using an SLR digital camera). Bumblebees where all landmarks could be seen on the wings in the images were landmarked. For left and right wings showing high angle differentials or high degree of tilting, the respective specimens were filtered out from the analysis. Please see the documentation accompanying this dataset for further information.
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Arce, A.; Cantwell-Jones, A.; Tansley, M.; Barnes, I.; Brace, S.; Mullin, M.; Notton, D.; Ollerton, J.; Eatough, E.; Rhodes, M.W.; Bian, X.; Hogan, J.; Hunter, T.; Jackson, S.; Whiffin, A.; Blagoderov, V.; Broad, G.; Judd, S.; Kokkini, P.; Livermore, L.; Dixit, M.K.; Pearse, W.D.; Gill, R. (2022). UK museum specimen metadata and procrustes distance between left and right forewings, for five bumblebee species. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
Correspondence/contact details
Tansley, M.
Imperial College London
Barnes, I.
Natural History Museum (London)
Brace, S.
Natural History Museum (London)
Mullin, M.
Natural History Museum (London)
Notton, D.
Natural History Museum (London)
Ollerton, J.
University of Northampton
Eatough, E.
Imperial College London
Rhodes, M.W.
Imperial College London
Bian, X.
Imperial College London
Hogan, J.
Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Hunter, T.
World Museum (Liverpool)
Jackson, S.
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust
Whiffin, A.
National Museum Scotland
Blagoderov, V.
National Museum Scotland
Broad, G.
Natural History Museum (London)
Judd, S.
World Museum (Liverpool)
Kokkini, P.
Natural History Museum (London)
Livermore, L.
Natural History Museum (London)
Dixit, M.K.
Imperial College London
Pearse, W.D.
Imperial College London
Other contacts
Rights holder
Imperial College London
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/P012574/1
Last updated
08 February 2024 17:35