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Webb, J. et al

The Pantheon database: habitat related traits, conservation status and taxa associations for invertebrates in England

The Pantheon database contains habitat-related traits, feeding guilds, conservation status (including rarity and threat status), legal protection data and associations with other taxa for just over 11,700 invertebrates. The database has been developed for invertebrates within England so the data should be used with caution when applying it to invertebrates of other countries. The data have been extracted from numerous sources within the published literature and compiled and categorised by entomological experts over a number of years. The database also includes (and supersedes) species assemblage types (SATs) from the Invertebrate Species-habitat Information System (ISIS). Species names have been linked with the Taxon Version Key (TVK; unique identifier) from the UK Species Inventory, held by the Natural History Museum, where possible. Overall the database holds 154,072 records. The database was developed by Natural England and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology as part of a development of online analytical tools to benefit invertebrate conservation and site assessments.
Publication date: 2017-05-05