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Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, S.Y. et al

Management, yield, soil and vegetation data for oil palm smallholder farms in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2019

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This dataset details information collected from smallholder oil palm farms in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Including: management practices, oil palm fruit yield, understorey vegetation, and soil chemical properties (SOC, total N, total P and available P). We collected data between August to November 2019 from 40 smallholdings (defined as farms < 50 ha) across six governance areas in Sabah. We used responses from face-to-face questionnaires to collect information about their management practices, including Best Management Practices (BMPs), and reported Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) yields. We also carried out field surveys on these farms to quantify vegetation cover and soil chemical properties. All smallholder farms had mature fruiting trees i.e. > 8 years since planting.

The project received ethical approval from the Biology Ethics Committee, University of York (Ref. SGA201906), and permission from the Sabah Biodiversity Council (Ref. JKM/MBS.1000-2/2 JLD.8), Danum Valley Management Committee (Ref. YS/DVMC/2019/27), and South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (project number 18033) for permission to conduct our research in Sabah, Malaysia.

This work was funded by the NERC iCASE studentship (NE/R007624/1) and Proforest.
Publication date: 2022-09-06

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Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2019-08-01    to    2019-11-30

Provenance & quality

Field surveys and questionnaires were conducted from August to November 2019, in collaboration with local field researchers and organisations in Sabah. Permission was received from the Sabah Biodiversity council to conduct our research in Sabah. Smallholder farmers were randomly selected for inclusion within the study, with assistance from a local non-for-profit organisation. We received verbal and written consent from all farmers prior to conducting any field surveys or questionnaires. Out of the 40 smallholder farms in our study, 35 farmers had RSPO certification (Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil) and 5 farmers were non-certified (farmers from the Tampenau village) at the time of sampling.

Yield measurements were reported by the farmer during face-to-face questionnaires (estimated fresh fruit bunch yield of the farm per harvest or per month) and not directly measured values. Hence, they might be subjected to some degree of error and might not be an exact representation of the farm’s yield.

All vegetation survey information and soil samples were collected within a 0.28-hectare circular plot using a nested plot design, one plot per farm. Soil analyses were performed by Sabah Forestry centre in March 2020.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, S.Y.; Howells, T.R.; Bin Sailim, A.; McClean, C.J.; Senior, M.J.M.; Benedick, S.; Hill, J.K.; Azmi, R. (2022). Management, yield, soil and vegetation data for oil palm smallholder farms in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2019. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.

Correspondence/contact details

Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, S.Y.
University of York


Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, S.Y.
University of York
Bin Sailim, A.
South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership
McClean, C.J.
University of York
Senior, M.J.M.
Benedick, S.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Hill, J.K.
University of York
Azmi, R.

Other contacts

Rights holder
University of York
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
agriculture , best management practices , management intensity , management practices , oil palm , Sabah , soil chemistry , understorey vegetation
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/R007624/1
Last updated
05 March 2024 08:40