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Burslem, D et al

Growth, biomass allocation and tissue nutrient concentrations of subtropical and tropical tree seedlings in response to experimental manipulation of soil phosphorus pools

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This dataset reports metrics of plant growth, including height, total biomass and the biomass of component plant parts, and percentage root colonisation by mycorrhizas, for tree seedlings of eight tropical and seven subtropical growing in pots of soil that had been amended by addition of various sources of phosphorus (inorganic phosphate, adenosine monophosphate, phytic, or a mixture of all three) plus an unfertilized control treatment with no P additions. The aim of the experiment was to test the hypothesis that seedlings of species that associate with different types of root-inhabiting mycorrhizal fungi would respond differently to the range of P sources applied in the experiment.

The experiments were conducted as part of a NERC Discovery Science project with the title Explaining niche separation in tropical forests: feedbacks from root-fungal symbioses and soil phosphorus partitioning led by Professor David Burslem (University of Aberdeen) reference NE/M004848/1.
Publication date: 2019-09-30

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Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2014-10-01    to    2016-04-30

Provenance & quality

The experiments were conducted by Xubing Liu with input from all authors. Data quality checks were conducted by all authors. The data-set provides raw data on growth metrics for each seedling, plus identifying codes for the two sites where the experiment was conducted, reflecting the tropical and subtropical origin of the seedlings, as well as experimental block, P treatment, botanical names for the tree species, and mycorrhizal type. Full details of materials and methods are provided in the paper reporting the results of the study (doi: 10.1111/ele.12939).

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Burslem, D; Liu, X.; Johnson, D.; Taylor, A.; Taylor, J.; Helgason, T.; Chen, Y.; Liang, M. (2019). Growth, biomass allocation and tissue nutrient concentrations of subtropical and tropical tree seedlings in response to experimental manipulation of soil phosphorus pools. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

© Natural Environment Research Council


Liu, X., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Taylor, J. D., Taylor, A. F. S., Khoo, E., Majalap-Lee, N., ... Johnson, D. (2018). Partitioning of soil phosphorus among arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal trees in tropical and subtropical forests. Ecology Letters, 21(5), 713-723.

Correspondence/contact details

Professor David Burslem
University of Aberdeen


Burslem, D
University of Aberdeen
Liu, X.
Sun Yat-Sen University
Johnson, D.
University of Manchester
Taylor, A.
The James Hutton Institute
Taylor, J.
University of Salford
Helgason, T.
University of York
Chen, Y.
The University of Hong Kong
Liang, M.
Sun Yat-Sen University

Other contacts

NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
Environmental risk , mycorrhiza , phosphorus , Soil , tree biomass
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/M004864/1
Last updated
02 March 2024 18:55