Occurrence data at 10km resolution for terrestrial mammals in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1960-1992 and 2000-2016
THIS DATASET HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED The latest version is Occurrence data at 10km resolution for terrestrial mammals in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1960-1992 and 2000-2016 v2
An error was discovered in this dataset - three species used slightly different time periods than the other species and this difference resulted in their records not being correctly populated for the most recent time period. The data provider has fixed the issue in the latest version.
If you need access to the archived version, please contact the EIDC
THIS DATASET HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED The latest version is Occurrence data at 10km resolution for terrestrial mammals in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1960-1992 and 2000-2016 v2
An error was discovered in this dataset - three species used slightly different time periods than the other species and this difference resulted in their records not being correctly populated for the most recent time period. The data provider has fixed the issue in the latest version.
If you need access to the archived version, please contact the EIDC
Comma-separated values (CSV), Geopackage
Spatial information
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
OSI Irish National Grid
Temporal information
Provenance & quality
The underlying data used in the production of the atlas to determine the summarised distributions came from a wide number of sources, such as the iRecord, National Biodiversity Network (NBN) gateway (now the NBN atlas), local biological records centres, national and local monitoring schemes. Data was provided to the Mammal Society from these sources for the purpose of producing the mammal atlas. Data from iRecord and the Mammal Society’s online recording tools & mammal tracker app were verified and validated by Mammal Society verifiers. The majority of other data had undergone verification and validation prior to being provided to the Mammal Society but the level and extent of QA differed between sources and the QA processes were often not specified in detail.
The majority of data is opportunistic sightings data, however the dataset does also contain data from structured and or professional surveys.
Licensing and constraints
THIS DATASET HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED The latest version is Occurrence data at 10km resolution for terrestrial mammals in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1960-1992 and 2000-2016 v2
An error was discovered in this dataset - three species used slightly different time periods than the other species and this difference resulted in their records not being correctly populated for the most recent time period. The data provider has fixed the issue in the latest version.
If you need access to the archived version, please contact the EIDC
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Correspondence/contact details
OX10 8BB