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Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil data (2013-2016) [COSMOS-UK] v2


THIS DATASET HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED The latest version is Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil data (2013-2023) [COSMOS-UK]

Additional year of data included in new dataset – current dataset extended one year

If you need access to the archived version, please contact the EIDC
This dataset contains daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil observations from COSMOS-UK (cosmic-ray soil moisture monitoring network) from the start of the network, in October 2013, to the end of 2016. These data are from 42 sites active across UK during this time, recording a range of hydrometeorological and soil variables. Each site in the network hosts a cosmic-ray sensing probe; a novel sensor technology which can be used, in combination with hydrometeorological data, to calculate the volumetric water content of soil over a field scale. The hydrometeorological and soil data are recorded at a 30 minute resolution and they include neutron counts from the Cosmic-ray sensing probe, humidity and atmospheric pressure data that are used to derive volumetric water content at two temporal resolutions (hourly and daily). Also included are soil heat flux, air temperature, wind speed and net radiation data which are used to derive potential evapotranspiration at a daily resolution.
Publication date: 2018-10-04

More information

View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 (information prior to this was not collected)


Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2013-10-01    to    2016-12-31

Provenance & quality

Hydrometeorological and soil variables are recorded on site and telemetered to a central data system at CEH Wallingford every hour. These data are then loaded to an Oracle database and subject to quality control tests. Soil volumetric water content data are derived from 30 minute hydrometeorological data and data from the cosmic-ray sensing probe by python scripts run every hour and at the end of the day a daily value is calculated. The data are calculated using the method outlined in Evans et al. (2016). Potential evapotranspiration data are derived by python scripts at the end of the day from the hydrometeorological data according to the Penman-Monteith method (FAO 56).
See supporting documentation for further information.

Licensing and constraints

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED The latest version is Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil data (2013-2023) [COSMOS-UK]

Additional year of data included in new dataset – current dataset extended one year

If you need access to the archived version, please contact the EIDC

This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
COSMOS-UK (2018). Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil data (2013-2016) [COSMOS-UK] v2. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

© UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Supplemental information

Correspondence/contact details

COSMOS-UK Project Office
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford
OX10 8BB


Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Other contacts

Rights holder
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
Environmental Monitoring Facilities
absolute humidity , air temperature , Alice Holt , atmospheric humidity , atmospheric precipitation , atmospheric pressure , Balruddery , Bickley Hall , Bunny Park , Cardington , Chimney Meadows , Chobham Common , Cochno , Cockle Park , cosmic-ray sensing probe , COSMOS-UK , Crichton , Cwm Garw , Easter Bush , Elmsett , Euston , evapotranspiration , Fincham , Fivemiletown , Gisburn Forest , Glensaugh , Glenwherry , Hadlow , Hartwood Home , Harwood Forest , Heytesbury , Hillsborough , Hollin Hill , Holme Lacy , Loddington , Lullington Heath , meteorological phenomenon , Moor House , Morley , net radiation , North Wyke , Plynlimon , Porton Down , potential evapotranspiration , Redhill , Redmere , relative humidity , Riseholme , Rothamsted , Sheepdrove , soil , soil heat flux , soil moisture , soil temperature , Sourhope , Spen Farm , Stiperstones , Stoughton , Tadham Moor , The Lizard , UK-SCAPE , Waddesdon , wind , wind direction , wind speed , Writtle , Wytham Woods
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/R016429/1
Last updated
27 February 2024 16:13