Environmental Change Network (ECN) data holdings
The Environmental Change Network (ECN) is the UK's long-term, integrated environmental monitoring and research programme. They collect, analyse and interpret a wide range of long-term data from a network of sites. ECN's physical, chemical and biological datasets - some spanning two decades - are a unique national resource that is improving our understanding of how and why environments change.
The Environmental Change Network is a partnership between Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru - Natural Resources Wales, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Llywodraeth Cymru - Welsh Government, Natural England, Natural Environment Research Council, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Government and Scottish Natural Heritage. Data are sent to the ECN Data Centre, where they are checked and made freely available for research, education and other non-commercial purposes.
ECN also works with a wide range of other research organisations and takes a lead role in the development of long-term ecosystem research (LTER). ECN is the UK node of the International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) and its European regional network (LTER-Europe).
The Environmental Change Network is a partnership between Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru - Natural Resources Wales, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Llywodraeth Cymru - Welsh Government, Natural England, Natural Environment Research Council, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Government and Scottish Natural Heritage. Data are sent to the ECN Data Centre, where they are checked and made freely available for research, education and other non-commercial purposes.
ECN also works with a wide range of other research organisations and takes a lead role in the development of long-term ecosystem research (LTER). ECN is the UK node of the International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) and its European regional network (LTER-Europe).
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 (information prior to this was not collected)
This data collection contains these resources
Motion-activated camera trap images from the ECN Cairngorm long-term monitoring site, 2010-2022
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm spider data 2004-2021 v2
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm environmental and phenological data derived from fixed-point repeat photography, 2002-2019
Environmental Change Network (ECN) Wytham deer exclosure experiment: 1997-2008
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) spittle bug data: 1993-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) fine grain vegetation data: 1994-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) woodland vegetation data: 1993-2014
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) common breeding birds data 1971-2007
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) rabbit and deer data: 1993-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) stream water chemistry data: 1992-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) soil solution chemistry data: 1992-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) atmospheric nitrogen chemistry data: 1993-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) precipitation chemistry data: 1992-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) moth data: 1992-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) carabid beetle data: 1992-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) bird data: 1995-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) bat data: 1993-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) butterfly data: 1993-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) frog data: 1994-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) meteorology data: 1991-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) stream water discharge data: 1993-2015
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) coarse grain vegetation data: 1993-2012
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) baseline vegetation data: 1991-2000
publishedWeb service
Environmental Change Network (ECN) monitoring sites view service
Environmental Change Network (ECN) monitoring sites