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The dataset contains information on the species identity and frequency of all insect-flower interactions recorded in ten birch (Betula spp.) woodland fragments surveyed in 2009 (May-August). The data were collected in two transects (50 x 2m; 15m apart and at least 50m from the woodland edge) randomly situated prior to the onset of flowering in the centre of each wood. Five of the woodland sites were disturbed by cattle grazing, while five were undisturbed. Landowners confirmed that livestock had been absent for at least 70-100 years in undisturbed sites. Where livestock were present, cattle grazing was light to moderate (e.g. 2007: mean = 8.4 cattle ha-1) and long term (mean = 33 years). The dataset comprises 13 columns, 2002 rows and is 218 KB. It gives the site name, geographic coordinates, whether it was disturbed by cattle grazing or not, the wind speed and temperature at time of sampling, the date of sampling, and the identity of the insect and plants interacting (binomial name or recognisable taxonomic unit).
Publication date: 2016-11-03