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Buckland, S.; Cornish, C.; Ray, N.; Bruneau, P.; Dawson, L.; Ross, J.

Soil profile descriptions, biomass data and vegetation species from a joint sampling event at Sourhope, Scotland, 2000 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

This dataset includes: biomass data for roots, shoots and litter in soil core samples, vegetation species abundance data for sampled soil blocks, and soil profile descriptions (horizon types & depths) with corresponding pH and moisture content values by horizon for soil blocks. All data were collected during a joint sampling event, held at Sourhope, Scotland, where co-ordinated sampling took place on the 27-28th July 2000 involving groups from within the NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme. A single block of soil was extracted from each of the sub-plots ('S' 'T' 'U' 'V') from within each of the main-plots (excluding Control 2 plots) at the field experiment site (see supporting information), and various baseline measurements were recorded. The soil blocks were divided up and sub-samples given to groups participating in the co-ordinated sampling, providing a range of information covering various aspects of soil research that can be linked to the same point in time and space.

The NERC Soil Biodiversity Thematic Programme was established in 1999 and was centred upon the intensive study of a large field experiment located at the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute (now the James Hutton Institute)'s farm at Sourhope in the Scottish Borders (Grid reference: NT 8545 1963). During this time, the site was monitored to assess changes in aboveground biomass production (productivity), species composition and relative abundance (diversity).
Publication date: 2017-12-19