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Rameshwaran, P.; Roberts, C.; Old, G.H.; Naden, P.

Hydraulics data for the River Lambourn at Boxford, 2008 to 2014

A range of hydraulics data including stages and discharges were collected for the River and Leat at Boxford between 01/04/2008 and 30/09/2014. The River Lambourn is a tributary of the River Thames, the principal river in the south-east of England. The CEH River Lambourn Observatory comprises a 600 m reach of river and 24 acres of associated water meadows at Boxford, Berkshire.
Data include:
1. River flow gauging using Electro-magnetic Current Meter (ECM);
2. Leat flow gauging using Electro-magnetic Current Meter (ECM);
3. River flow gauging using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP);
4. River stage boards readings (eleven Stage boards);
5. Leat stage boards readings (six Stage boards);
6. River stage at water quality station (WQS) using Druck PDCR 1830 Submersible Pressure Transducer;
7. River stage at four stilling wells using SWS Technology Mini-Diver® Non-Vented Level Sensors with a built-in internal data logger (four locations);
8. Time series river discharges at Boxford which are calculated from the relationship obtained between discharge measurements taken monthly at Boxford using ADCP and total river discharges at Shaw gauging station;
9. Time series of the Leat discharges which are calculated from the relationship obtained between discharge measurements taken mo
Publication date: 2015-07-17