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Cowan, N.J.; Levy, P.E.; Skiba, U.M.

Nitrous oxide fluxes and associated soil measurements from a mixed livestock farm in central Scotland (2012-2013)

This data set includes over 500 individual flux measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) from a mixed livestock farm, carried out in 2012 and 2013 using a high-precision flux chamber method. Measurements of soil properties are also reported for each individual flux measurement. Soil pH, temperature moisture content, bulk density and ammonia and nitrate concentrations (extracted via the KCl method) are reported in the data. The data represents arable and grazed fields (cattle and sheep) as well as other sources of N2O from agricultural lands such as barns, manure heaps and silage storage. This data was used to assess farms scale emissions of N2O from a variety of sources over four seasons.
Publication date: 2019-06-17