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Smart, S.M. et al

Habitat, vegetation, tree and soil data from Native Pinewoods in Scotland, 2018-2022

A set of data arising from a detailed ecological re-survey of the native Scots Pine woodland habitats within Scotland. In all, 27 woods from throughout Scotland were identified as the major remaining native pinewoods, and within each wood sixteen randomly selected 200m2 plots were surveyed between 2018 and 2022. Details about the trees, ground flora, soil, habitat types as well as general plot information were collected for each plot using standardized procedures and coding systems. The survey was a repeat of an identical survey carried out in 1971, and thus allows an assessment of change in the woodlands since that time.

The survey was funded by a consortium led by the Woodland Trust, and carried out by staff employed by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.
Publication date: 2023-11-30