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Woollen, E. et al

Structure and composition of woodlands across Mozambique

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This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

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This dataset contains quantitative measurements of woodland structure and composition sampled in twenty-seven different villages across three Districts in Mozambique, Africa. Data were collected from 431 plots where tree stem structure and composition, litter and grass biomass, coarse woody debris, and canopy cover data were recorded. Woodlands within seven villages in Mabalane District, Gaza Province, ten villages in Marrupa District, Niassa Province, and ten villages in Gurue District Zambezia Province were sampled. Data were collected in Mabalane between May-Sep 2014, Marrupa between May-Aug 2015, and Gurue between Sep-Dec 2015. This dataset was collected as part of the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) funded ACES project , which aims to understand how changing land use impacts on ecosystem services and human wellbeing of the rural poor in Mozambique.
Publication date: 2017-12-18

More information

View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)


Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2014-05-01    to    2014-09-30
2015-05-01    to    2015-12-31

Provenance & quality

All data were quality assured by the lead author. When in the field, all teams were trained in data collection methods to ensure consistent robust measurements, and data were continually checked for errors as it was collected. All field teams had a translator to translate from the local language to Portuguese. All data were cleaned post digital entry by checking for extreme outliers in the dataset or unexpected values. Anomalous entries were corrected where possible, or were removed and treated as no record. All observations were recorded in Portuguese, and translated to English by the lead author. All of the data were collected electronically in the field for Marrupa and Gurue survey sites using tablets and ODK software. Wherever possible, pre-set answers or binary responses were used (e.g. has the plot been recently burned: true or false) to systematically record qualitative observations and avoid ambiguous results.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Woollen, E.; Ryan, C.M.; Nhaduco, O.; Daude, I.A.; Manguiao, A.A.; Da Costa, A.A.; Lisboa, S.N.; Junior, J.F.; Mutemba, L.; Pais, A.; Zavale, M.; Cumbula, S.; Xerinda, H.; Buque, H.; Meneses, D.; Rodrigues, C.; Mário, A.M.; Ribeiro, N.; Domingos, L.P.; Mbandze, A.; Stedham, R.; Jennings, P. (2017). Structure and composition of woodlands across Mozambique. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

© University of Edinburgh


UNFCCC. Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (2023). Call for input 2023 - Issues included in the annotated agenda and related annexes of the eighth meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body-Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, UC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Correspondence/contact details

Emily Woollen
University of Edinburgh


Woollen, E.
University of Edinburgh
Ryan, C.M.
University of Edinburgh
Nhaduco, O.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Daude, I.A.
Universidade Lurio
Manguiao, A.A.
Universidade Lurio
Da Costa, A.A.
Universidade Lurio
Lisboa, S.N.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Junior, J.F.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Mutemba, L.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Pais, A.
Universidade Zambeze
Zavale, M.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Cumbula, S.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Xerinda, H.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Buque, H.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Meneses, D.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Rodrigues, C.
Universidade Lurio
Mário, A.M.
Universidade Lurio
Ribeiro, N.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Domingos, L.P.
Universidade Lurio
Mbandze, A.
Universidade Lurio
Stedham, R.
University of Edinburgh
Jennings, P.
University of Edinburgh

Other contacts

Rights holder
University of Edinburgh
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
biomass , decomposition , Gaza Province , grass , grass biomass , Gurue District , leaf litter , litter , Mabalane District , Marrupa District , Mozambique , Niassa Province , stem measurements , tree , tree stem , woody debris , Zambezia Province
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/K010395/1
Last updated
12 September 2024 08:20