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Rex, C.L.; Staff, R.A.; Sanderson, D.C.W.; Cresswell, A.J.; Nakagawa, T.

Luminescence signals and estimates of dose rate from sediment cores, Lake Suigetsu, Japan

This dataset contains information about the luminescence signals measured from the Lake Suigetsu sediment cores across four time periods: the last 500 years (537 to -47 cal BP), the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion (44,828 to 35,550 cal BP), the limit of varves (73,130 to 69,413 yr BP) and glacial termination I (139,499 to 118,001 yr BP). Sampling intervals varied between time periods (see supporting documentation for more information). The luminescence signals were quantified using Portable Optically Stimulated Luminescence (POSL) analysis of bulk sediment using blue light and infrared exposures, and laboratory profiling analysis of prepared quartz fine fractions (using blue light exposures) and polymineral fine fractions (using blue light and infrared exposures). This data was collected to determine if these methods could be used to detect past catchment environmental change. Alongside this dataset, we estimated dose rate at six points across the four time periods studied using elemental concentrations. This data was collected to see if the luminescence signals measured from the Lake Suigetsu cores could be used to determine burial age.

The work was supported by the NERC IAPETUS2 Doctoral Training Partnership.
Publication date: 2023-05-26