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Elias, D.M.O.; McNamara, N.P.; Ostle, N.J.; Majalap - Lee, N.

Soil properties across primary forest, logged forest and oil palm plantation in Sabah, Malaysia

Data comprise soil properties and soil nutrients across unlogged and logged tropical forests in Sabah, Malaysia. Soil properties (ID, Site, Land_Use, Plot_Name, Subplot, Horizon, pH, Total_C, Total_N, Total_P, inorganic_P, C:N, Sand, Silt, Clay) measured in soil samples and soil nutrients (Identifier, Site, Land_Use, Plot_Name, Subplot, NO3_N, NH4_N, Total_N, Ca, Mg, K, P, Fe, Mn Cu, Zn, B, S, Pb, Al, Cd) extracted from buried ion exchange membranes sampled between March and April 2015 and measured at Forest Research Centre, Sabah, Malaysia. This data is a contribution from the UK NERC-funded Biodiversity And Land-use Impacts on Tropical Ecosystem Function (BALI) consortium (
Publication date: 2018-07-23