Zhao, J.H.; Liang, Q.H.; Chen, H.L.
Flood risk assessment of the Luanhe river basin under different development strategies and climate scenarios
Cite this dataset as:
Zhao, J.H.; Liang, Q.H.; Chen, H.L. (2021). Flood risk assessment of the Luanhe river basin under different development strategies and climate scenarios. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/82055942-386a-4a8b-b2a1-0c3eea12b168
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The dataset describes the data needed for and results produced by the flood risk assessment framework under different development strategies of Luanhe river basin under a changing climate. The Luanhe river basin is located in the northeast of the North China Plain (115°30' E-119°45' E, 39°10' N-42°40'N) of China, is an essential socio-economic zone on its own in North-Eastern China, and also directly contributes to and influences the socio-economic development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The dataset here used for investigating the flood risk includes:
(1) uplifts of future climate scenarios to 2030
(2) the validation results of a historical event that happened in 2012
(3) the flood inundation prediction under different development strategies and climate scenarios to 2030
(4) and the spatial resident density map in Luanhe river basin to 2030.
Wherein, the uplifts of the future climate change is generated based on the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset and will be applied to the future design rainfall to represent the future climate scenarios; a 2012 event is select to validate the flood model, and the remote sensing data is adopted as real-world observation data; considering the uplifts and future land use data as input, the validated flood model is applied to produce flood inundation prediction under different development strategies and climate scenarios to 2030; and the inundation results are used to overlay the Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4) and then calculate the flood risk map of the local resident. These data are mainly open data or produced by authors. With all these data, the flood risk of the Luanhe river basin in the near future (2030) can be assessed.
(1) uplifts of future climate scenarios to 2030
(2) the validation results of a historical event that happened in 2012
(3) the flood inundation prediction under different development strategies and climate scenarios to 2030
(4) and the spatial resident density map in Luanhe river basin to 2030.
Wherein, the uplifts of the future climate change is generated based on the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset and will be applied to the future design rainfall to represent the future climate scenarios; a 2012 event is select to validate the flood model, and the remote sensing data is adopted as real-world observation data; considering the uplifts and future land use data as input, the validated flood model is applied to produce flood inundation prediction under different development strategies and climate scenarios to 2030; and the inundation results are used to overlay the Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4) and then calculate the flood risk map of the local resident. These data are mainly open data or produced by authors. With all these data, the flood risk of the Luanhe river basin in the near future (2030) can be assessed.
Publication date: 2021-08-09
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV), TIFF
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation types
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84
Provenance & quality
The base data (population, climate scenarios) are mainly based on the open data (GPWv4, NEX-GDDP), and the flood inundation results are produced by the in-house high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling system (HiPIMS).
The uplifts of climate scenarios are calculated by fitting a Log-Pearson type III distribution to the NEX-GDDP dataset to calculate the magnitudes of 100-year design rainfall at each pixel within the domain for the 'retrospective run'/historical period (i.e. 1950~2005) without climate change to give (mm/day), and future periods (2006~2030) with climate change (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) to provide (mm/day). And this pixel-based climate change uplift is then averaged to the city-wide mask to create a city-based uplift (rcp45.csv, rcp85.csv).
The parameters of the flood model are calibrated to the 2012 event, wherein the remote sensing data is considered as real-world observation (RemoteSensing_validation.tif and Validation.tif). And this calibrated model is then applied to the future development strategies (reflected by land use data) and climate change scenarios (reflected by uplifts) to calculate the flood inundation map for the future scenarios in Luanhe river basin (Baseline.tif, Conservation*.tif, Expansion*.tif, Sustainability*.tif, Trend*.tif).
Base on the inundation map, the flood risk map of the local resident can be calculated by overlaying it on the GPWv4 data (Popu_2000.tif, Popu_2005.tif, Popu_2010.tif, Popu_2015.tif, Popu_2020.tif, Popu_2025.tif, Popu_2030.tif).
The uplifts of climate scenarios are calculated by fitting a Log-Pearson type III distribution to the NEX-GDDP dataset to calculate the magnitudes of 100-year design rainfall at each pixel within the domain for the 'retrospective run'/historical period (i.e. 1950~2005) without climate change to give (mm/day), and future periods (2006~2030) with climate change (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) to provide (mm/day). And this pixel-based climate change uplift is then averaged to the city-wide mask to create a city-based uplift (rcp45.csv, rcp85.csv).
The parameters of the flood model are calibrated to the 2012 event, wherein the remote sensing data is considered as real-world observation (RemoteSensing_validation.tif and Validation.tif). And this calibrated model is then applied to the future development strategies (reflected by land use data) and climate change scenarios (reflected by uplifts) to calculate the flood inundation map for the future scenarios in Luanhe river basin (Baseline.tif, Conservation*.tif, Expansion*.tif, Sustainability*.tif, Trend*.tif).
Base on the inundation map, the flood risk map of the local resident can be calculated by overlaying it on the GPWv4 data (Popu_2000.tif, Popu_2005.tif, Popu_2010.tif, Popu_2015.tif, Popu_2020.tif, Popu_2025.tif, Popu_2030.tif).
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Zhao, J.H.; Liang, Q.H.; Chen, H.L. (2021). Flood risk assessment of the Luanhe river basin under different development strategies and climate scenarios. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/82055942-386a-4a8b-b2a1-0c3eea12b168
Correspondence/contact details
Liang, Q.H.
Loughborough University
Chen, H.L.
Loughborough University
Other contacts
Rights holder
Loughborough University
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/S012427/1
Last updated
01 March 2024 10:37