The Isle of May long-term study (IMLOTS)

We record survival rates, reproductive success, diet and foraging distribution during the breeding season. We also study distribution in winter through the support of over 150 volunteers, and by deploying data loggers for species that migrate far offshore.
Our study aims to quantify the effect of climate change, fisheries and marine renewable developments on seabirds and their associated ecosystems. This monitoring has been ongoing since 1973, by the same team of scientists, using the same well-documented methods throughout this time. We recommend that these data are used after consultation with the appropriate UKCEH staff.
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 (information prior to this was not collected)
This data collection contains these resources
Behaviour, diet, condition and demography data for common guillemots from the Isle of May, 1982-2019
The Isle of May long-term study (IMLOTS) seabird annual breeding success 1982-2021
The Isle of May long-term study (IMLOTS) seabird annual return rate 1988-2021
Occupancy of breeding sites in the non-breeding season, site quality and breeding success data for a population of common guillemots (Uria aalge) on the Isle of May, Scotland, 2017-2020
Activity, energy expenditure and mass data from common guillemots from the Isle of May during the 2016-2017 annual cycle
Breeding success, population size, and site quality data for a population of common guillemots (Uria aalge) on the Isle of May, Scotland, 1981-2018
Diet, timing of egg laying and breeding success data for Isle of May European shag population 1985-2015
Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2019
Activity data from common guillemots from the Isle of May during the 2005-2006 annual cycle
Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2018
Dive times and depths of auks (Atlantic puffin, common guillemot and razorbill) from the Isle of May outside the seabird breeding season
Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2017