Chrapkiewicz, K.; Lipp, A.; Barron, L.; Barnes, R.; Roberts, G.
Python code to identify sources of chemical pollutants in waterways
Cite this dataset as:
Chrapkiewicz, K.; Lipp, A.; Barron, L.; Barnes, R.; Roberts, G. (2024). Python code to identify sources of chemical pollutants in waterways. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
PLEASE NOTE: By accessing or using this dataset, you agree to the terms of the relevant licence agreement(s). You will ensure that this dataset is cited in any publication that describes research in which the data have been used.
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
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This dataset contains python code to carry out source apportionment of chemicals in river water. Convex optimisation is used to efficiently apportion tracer and pollutant sources from point concentration observations. A minimum working example of the python code and the open-source framework used for the analysis is also provided. Chemical data collected in 2019-2020 along the River Wandle (Thames, UK) were used to test the code and example results are also included.
The code assumes conservative mixing and hence is likely to be best suited to assessing chronic sources of pollution (i.e., sources that are temporally invariant, or as near as, during the sampling campaign).
The code assumes conservative mixing and hence is likely to be best suited to assessing chronic sources of pollution (i.e., sources that are temporally invariant, or as near as, during the sampling campaign).
Publication date: 2024-05-01
View numbers valid from 01 May 2024 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Python, Comma-separated values (CSV), NetCDF (.nc), GeoTIFF (.tif), Portable Network Graphics (.png), .yaml
Provenance & quality
The code was developed as part of a six-month project funded via a NERC Exploring the Frontiers grant. K. Chrapkiewicz was the principal code developer with A. Lipp. We made use of existing models developed by co-investigators A. Lipp and R. Barnes. This work built upon the optimisation techniques developed by A. Lipp, G. Roberts and colleagues. The data inverted in this study were generated L Barron and colleagues (Egli et al., 2023).
To run the code please see the readme files that accompany this repository. Briefly, once the code is downloaded and installed a minimum working example can be run using > python examples/ Examples of data and their associated formats are included with this repository. The raw chemical data are also included. Examples of outputs in the form of figures (.png format) are also included. With regards to quality assurance, a synthetic data inversion was conducted and an Analysis of Variance and an assessment of the uncertainties were also carried out. Further details are provided in the supporting documentation and cited papers.
To run the code please see the readme files that accompany this repository. Briefly, once the code is downloaded and installed a minimum working example can be run using > python examples/ Examples of data and their associated formats are included with this repository. The raw chemical data are also included. Examples of outputs in the form of figures (.png format) are also included. With regards to quality assurance, a synthetic data inversion was conducted and an Analysis of Variance and an assessment of the uncertainties were also carried out. Further details are provided in the supporting documentation and cited papers.
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Chrapkiewicz, K.; Lipp, A.; Barron, L.; Barnes, R.; Roberts, G. (2024). Python code to identify sources of chemical pollutants in waterways. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
Supplemental information
Correspondence/contact details
Barnes, R.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Other contacts
Rights holder
Imperial College London
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/X010805/1
Last updated
07 May 2024 12:39