Giles, M. et al
Soil nematode communities from peri-urban watersheds, China
Cite this dataset as:
Giles, M. ; Neilson, R.; Daniell, T.; Yang, X.; Zhu, D.; Zheng, F.; Wang, H.; Chen, Q. (2019). Soil nematode communities from peri-urban watersheds, China. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.
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This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
This data set contains nematode community data for soil samples collected from two different land uses (farmland and forest) in the Peri urban area of Ningbo China. Samples were collected seasonally between April 2017 and January 2018.
Nematodes were removed from soil using density centrifugation, DNA extractions were then carried out on these extracted nematodes and directed TRFLP was used to obtain a measure of nematode community structure. Data are relative fluorescence for each TRFLP peak and have been Hellinger transformed.
Nematodes were removed from soil using density centrifugation, DNA extractions were then carried out on these extracted nematodes and directed TRFLP was used to obtain a measure of nematode community structure. Data are relative fluorescence for each TRFLP peak and have been Hellinger transformed.
Publication date: 2019-08-06
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84
Temporal information
Temporal extent
2017-04-01 to 2018-01-31
Provenance & quality
Soil samples were collected across a watershed in the Peri urban area of Ningbo China between April 9-12, 2017; July 15-18, 2017; October 14-17, 2017; January 11-14 2018. In each watershed samples were collected from 2 different land uses (farmland and forest). At each site 250 g of soil was collected be randomly taking 5 soil cores across the site. All soil was stored at 4 °C prior to shipping to the UK. Shipping was carried out in compliance with the Scottish governments import licence and samples were stored in quarantine facilities at 8 °C as per The James Hutton Institute's biosecurity policy.
For further details please see the supporting documentation
For further details please see the supporting documentation
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Giles, M. ; Neilson, R.; Daniell, T.; Yang, X.; Zhu, D.; Zheng, F.; Wang, H.; Chen, Q. (2019). Soil nematode communities from peri-urban watersheds, China. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.
© National Natural Science Foundation of China
© Natural Environment Research Council
This dataset is included in the following collections
Data from Soil Analysis of Ningbo Watershed, China – Field, Laboratory and Modelling
Correspondence/contact details
Giles, M.
The James Hutton Institute
Neilson, R.
The James Hutton Institute
Daniell, T.
University of Sheffield
Yang, X.
Institute of the Urban Environment
Zhu, D.
Institute of the Urban Environment
Zheng, F.
Institute of the Urban Environment
Wang, H.
Institute of the Urban Environment
Chen, Q.
The University of Melbourne
Other contacts
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre