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Banin, L.F. et al

Survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia

PLEASE NOTE: By accessing or using this dataset, you agree to the terms of the relevant licence agreement(s). You will ensure that this dataset is cited in any publication that describes research in which the data have been used.

This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

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This dataset consists of survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia and the associated analytical code. The data consists of tree censuses collated from published studies, grey literature and data provided by co-authors, up to/including May 2021. Data are collated from 176 sites in areas where disturbance or clearance of the natural forest had occurred and where trees were then planted and monitored over time. The analyses included here model height growth, extract annual size-standardised growth rates and test the effects of biophysical and climatic conditions and planting regimes on survival and growth. This dataset was created to represent the current state of knowledge on forest restoration outcomes in South and Southeast Asia. This is the full dataset for the survival and height analysis.
Publication date: 2023-12-19

More information

View numbers valid from 19 December 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)


Comma-separated values (CSV), .R

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Temporal information

Temporal extent
…    to    2021-05-31

Provenance & quality

Data were compiled from i) publications which contained the necessary information or ii) primary data supplied by dataset and paper co-authors. The search and screening process is described in full in the documentation. The data have been standardised so they could be presented in common units across the dataset and in some cases, categorised based either on numbers or on text descriptions within the publications. The species lists have been checked against online databases to correct errors and unify taxonomic synonyms. An additional open data source was compiled (wood density from the BIOMASS package in R, as detailed in the documentation).

All data were checked by lead authors.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Banin, L.F.; Raine, E.H.; Rowland, L.M.; Chazdon, R.L.; Smith, S.W.; Rahman, N.E.B.; Butler, A.; Philipson, C.; Applegate, G.G.; Axelsson, E.P.; Budiharta, S.; Chua, S.C.; Cutler, M.E.J.; Elliott, S.; Gemita, E.; Godoong, E.; Graham, L.L.B.; Hayward, R.M.; Hector, A.; Ilstedt, U.; Jensen, J.; Kasinathan, S.; Kettle, C.J.; Lussetti, D.; Manohan, B.; Maycock, C.; Ngo, K.M.; O'Brien, M.J.; Osuri, A.M.; Reynolds, G.; Sauwai, Y.; Scheu, S.; Silalahi, M.; Slade, E.M.; Swinfield, T.; Wardle, D.A.; Wheeler, C.; Yeong, K.L.; Burslem, D.F.R.P. (2023). Survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.

Supplemental information

Correspondence/contact details

Banin, L.F.
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology


Banin, L.F.
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Raine, E.H.
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Rowland, L.M.
University of Exeter
Chazdon, R.L.
University of Sunshine Coast
Smith, S.W.
Nanyang Technological University
Rahman, N.E.B.
Nanyang Technological University
Butler, A.
Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland
Philipson, C.
Permian Global Research Limited
Applegate, G.G.
University of Sunshine Coast
Axelsson, E.P.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Budiharta, S.
National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN)
Chua, S.C.
National University of Singapore
Cutler, M.E.J.
University of Dundee
Elliott, S.
Chiang Mai University
Gemita, E.
PT Restorasi Ekosistem Indonesia
Godoong, E.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Graham, L.L.B.
Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation
Hayward, R.M.
University of Stirling
Hector, A.
University of Oxford
Ilstedt, U.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Jensen, J.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Kasinathan, S.
Nature Conservation Foundation
Kettle, C.J.
Bioversity International
Lussetti, D.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Manohan, B.
Chiang Mai University
Ngo, K.M.
Nanyang Technological University
O'Brien, M.J.
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Osuri, A.M.
Nature Conservation Foundation
Reynolds, G.
South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership
Sauwai, Y.
Yayasan Sabah Group
Scheu, S.
University of Göttingen
Silalahi, M.
PT Restorasi Ekosistem Indonesia
Slade, E.M.
Nanyang Technological University
Swinfield, T.
University of Cambridge
Wardle, D.A.
Nanyang Technological University
Wheeler, C.
University of Cambridge
Yeong, K.L.
University of Sheffield
Burslem, D.F.R.P.
University of Aberdeen

9 more authors. Show

Other contacts

Rights holder
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
disturbance , forest ecology , growth , height , mortality , planted trees , restoration , seedlings , size , South Asia , Southeast Asia , sub-tropical , survival , tree , tree species , tropical ecosystem , tropical forest
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/T005092/1
Last updated
29 February 2024 16:33