Soil physical, chemical, and biological properties (0-1 m) at five long-term grassland-to-woodland land use contrasts across England, 2018-2019
The author list in this version was incorrect, the new version has a correct author list - the data has not changed
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The author list in this version was incorrect, the new version has a correct author list - the data has not changed
If you need access to the archived version, please contact the UK-SCAPE Programme Office
Common soil physical and chemical properties were measured; field water content, soil water content, electrical conductivity, bulk density, pH in DIW, pH in CaCl2, Loss-on-ignition, total soil carbon, total soil nitrogen, and total soil phosphorus. Less common properties were also measured; extractable soil nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon, soil aggregate sizes, and soil texture. And for specific soil cores these additional following properties were measured; soil density fractions and their carbon and nitrogen contents, cation exchange capacity, Sodium concentration, potassium concentration, calcium concentration, magnesium concentration, and extracellular enzyme activities. Derived metrics resulting from the bioinformatic processing of the raw sequence files are provided as part this dataset.
The properties in this dataset are co-located with ANPP estimates, litter layer depth measurements, soil hydraulic measurements (soil water release curves and hydraulic conductivity), earthworm counts and identification. A file is provided to connect all co-located measurements.
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
Temporal information
Provenance & quality
For all the soil cores, the following common soil physical and chemical properties were measured in up to six depth increments: field water content, soil water content, electrical conductivity, bulk density, pH in DIW, pH in CaCl2, Loss-on-ignition, total soil carbon, total soil nitrogen, total soil phosphorus. Also, the following less common chemical, physical and biological properties were measured in one topsoil and one subsoil increment; extractable soil nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon, soil aggregate sizes, soil texture.
For the soil cores from grids 2 and 5 the following additional soil properties were measured: soil density fractions and their carbon and nitrogen contents, cation exchange capacity, sodium concentration, potassium concentration, calcium concentration, magnesium concentration, extracellular enzyme activities.
The raw sequence files from the microbial analyses of bacterial and fungal marker genes (16S rRNA gene, and ITS regions respectively) and shotgun whole genome sequencing have been deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under project accession PRJEB66294 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB66294).
All the physical, chemical, and biological properties were measured using standard techniques, see the supporting documentation for more details.
Licensing and constraints
The author list in this version was incorrect, the new version has a correct author list - the data has not changed
If you need access to the archived version, please contact the UK-SCAPE Programme Office
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Correspondence/contact details
LL57 2UW