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Reinsch, S.; Sowerby, A.; Emmett, B.A.

Daily plot level (micro meteorological) data at Climoor field site in Clocaenog Forest 1998-2015

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This dataset contains daily micro-meteorological data from the experimental plots at the Climoor field site in Clocaenog forest, North East Wales. It runs from 15/7/1999 until 30/06/2015, and contains air temperature (deg C), soil temperature (deg C) at two depths (5 and 20 cm) as well as soil moisture. The dataset has been quality checked, and incorrect or missing values removed, data has not been infilled. Climoor is a climate change manipulation experiment that utilises automated roof technology to produce drought and warming experimental treatments that reflect climate change predictions for the next 20-30 years.
Publication date: 2015-12-18