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Chappell, N.; Jones, T.D.; Broderick, C.

Derived annual statistics of rainfall, streamflow and acidity for the Nant Trawsnant catchment, Llyn Brianne, Mid Wales, UK. (1982 to 2012)

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This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

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This dataset comprises of derived annual statistics for measures of rainfall, streamflow, temperature and stream acidity (pH) for a stream, draining a small, approximately 1.2 square kilometres, upland conifer catchment. The stream, Nant Trawsnant, drains into the Llyn Brianne reservoir, Powys, United Kingdom. The data are for a 31 year period covering 1st April 1982 to 1st April 2012. The streamflow and acidity data are derived from 15 minute resolution observations throughout the calendar year 2013 from associated stream gauging and water quality stations on the Nant Trawsnant. The monthly rainfall measures presented, were derived from local rain gauges. The monthly temperature measures presented were derived from observations at a weather station near Talgarth, Powys. Routines within the Lancaster University Computer-Aided Program for Time-series Analysis and Identification of Noisy Systems (CAPTAIN) Toolbox for Matlab were used to develop a dynamic model of these data. These models were then used to simulate the 31-year record for which monthly statistics were derived. The statistics were derived to develop greater understanding of the controls on the long-term dynamics of aquatic biodiversity observed by other researchers in this stream. The work was part of the Diversity in Upland River Ecosystem Service Sustainability (DURESS) project, NERC grant NE/J014826/1. Members of staff from the Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University installed, maintained and downloaded the stream gauging and water quality stations and also carried out statistical analysis of the data.
Publication date: 2016-05-31

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Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Provenance & quality

The streamflow and acidity data are derived from 15 minute resolution observations recorded onto Campbell Scientific CR1000 data loggers throughout the calendar year 2013 from associated stream gauging and water quality stations on the Nant Trawsnant. Data from each data logger were downloaded at regular intervals onto a laptop. Raw data were then transferred to a secure data store created for the DURESS project, hosted at Lancaster University. Records for local rain gauges were requested from the data owners. Temperature data were requested from the Met Office from observations at a weather station near Talgarth, Powys. The requested data for both rainfall and temperature were held in the DURESS secure data store. Final data were derived from these raw data using analysis in the Matlab programming environment. Values were exported in Excel spreadsheets and then into comma separated values for ingestion into the EIDC.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Chappell, N.; Jones, T.D.; Broderick, C. (2016). Derived annual statistics of rainfall, streamflow and acidity for the Nant Trawsnant catchment, Llyn Brianne, Mid Wales, UK. (1982 to 2012) . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

© Lancaster University


Supplemental information

Website describing the high frequency monitoring being carried out by Lancaster University in the Llyn Brianne catchments, including Nant Trawsnant
Website describing the CAPTAIN (Computer-Aided Program for Time-series Analysis and Identification of Noisy Systems Toolbox
Jones, T.D., Chappell, N.A., Tych, W. (2014). First dynamic model of dissolved organic carbon derived directly from high frequency observations through contiguous storms. Environmental Science and Technology. 48(22) p. 13289-13297
Jones, T., Chappell, N.A. (2014). Streamflow and hydrogen ion interrelationships identified using data-based mechanistic modelling of high frequency observations through contiguous storms. Hydrology Research Dec 2014, 45 (6) 868-892

Correspondence/contact details

Dr. Nick Chappell
Lancaster University
Lancaster Environment Centre


Chappell, N.
Lancaster University
Jones, T.D.
Lancaster University
Broderick, C.
Maynooth University

Other contacts

Rights holder
Lancaster University
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
INSPIRE themes
Environmental Monitoring Facilities
Biodiversity & Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) , CAPTAIN toolbox , Conifer plantation , Diversity in Upland River Ecosystem Service Sustainability (DURESS) , Llyn Brianne , Matlab , Nant Trawsnant , pH , Powys , Rainfall , Streamflow
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/J014826/1
Last updated
27 February 2024 16:27