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Fyffe, C.L. et al

The physically-based melt model Tethys-Chloris and meteorological input data for five Peruvian glaciers

Weather station data at five on-glacier stations in Peru and the ecohydrological model Tethys-Chloris.

Data includes:
- Hourly weather station data from Shallap Glacier, Artesonraju Glacier, Cuchillacocha Glacier, Quisoquipina Glacier and Quelccaya Ice Cap. Given as .csv files and as model input files.
- The model code used to input the data and set the correct parameters for these sites.
- The model code for the point version of Tethys-Chloris, an ecohydrological model which is used in this case to calculate glacier melt and mass balance.
Publication date: 2021-09-08