Beresford, N.A. et al
A database of radionuclide biological half-life values for wildlife
Cite this dataset as:
Beresford, N.A.; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.; Wells, C.; Vives-Lynch, S.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Wood, M.D.; Tagami, K.; Real, A.; Burgos, J.; Fesenko, S.; Cujic, M.; Kryshev, A.; Pachal, N.; Su, B.S.; Barnett, C.L.; Uchida, S.; Hinton, T.; Mihalík, J.; Stark, K.; Willrodt, C.; Chaplow, J.S. (2015). A database of radionuclide biological half-life values for wildlife. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.
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This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Data comprise biological and ecological half-life values for marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian organisms. The database includes 1908 biological half-life values for 52 elements across a range of wildlife groups (marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian). The compilation of values from a range of sources was conducted by an international working group under the auspices of an International Atomic Energy Agency programme.
Publication date: 2015-06-30
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
Temporal information
Temporal extent
1957-01-01 to 2015-06-04
Provenance & quality
Prior to beginning the review, a recording sheet (in Microsoft Excel), was designed to allow easy collation of the various components into the final database. The wildlife group categorisations were broadly compatible with those used in the Wildlife Transfer Database (as described by Copplestone et al. 2013) and subsequently by the IAEA (Howard et al. 2013; IAEA 2014). The 'Changeover time' is the intersect of the first and second biological half-lives when two regression lines on a logarithmic scale. No attempt was made to standardise the English common names used; similarly we have not updated Latin species names, but we acknowledge that these may have changed since the original publications.
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Beresford, N.A.; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.; Wells, C.; Vives-Lynch, S.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Wood, M.D.; Tagami, K.; Real, A.; Burgos, J.; Fesenko, S.; Cujic, M.; Kryshev, A.; Pachal, N.; Su, B.S.; Barnett, C.L.; Uchida, S.; Hinton, T.; Mihalík, J.; Stark, K.; Willrodt, C.; Chaplow, J.S. (2015). A database of radionuclide biological half-life values for wildlife. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.
© UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Copplestone, D., Beresford, N. A., Brown, J. E., & Yankovich, T. (2013). An international database of radionuclide concentration ratios for wildlife: development and uses. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 126, 288-298.
Howard, B. J., Beresford, N. A., Copplestone, D., Telleria, D., Proehl, G., Fesenko, S., ... Wells, C. (2013). The IAEA handbook on radionuclide transfer to wildlife. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 121, 55-74.
Vives i Batlle, J., Beresford, N. A., Beaugelin-Seiller, K., Bezhenar, R., Brown, J., Cheng, J.-J., … Heling, R. (2016). Inter-comparison of dynamic models for radionuclide transfer to marine biota in a Fukushima accident scenario. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 153, 31–50.
Beresford, N. A., Beaugelin-Seiller, K., Burgos, J., Cujic, M., Fesenko, S., Kryshev, A., … Wood, M. D. (2015). Radionuclide biological half-life values for terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 150, 270–276.
Vives i Batlle, J., Aoyama, M., Bradshaw, C., Brown, J., Buesseler, K. O., Casacuberta, N., … Nishikawa, J. (2018). Marine radioecology after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident: Are we better positioned to understand the impact of radionuclides in marine ecosystems? Science of The Total Environment, 618, 80–92.
Beaugelin-Seiller, K., Howard, B. J., & Garnier-Laplace, J. (2019). An approach to identifying the relative importance of different radionuclides in ecological radiological risk assessment: Application to nuclear power plant releases. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 197, 116–126.
Vives i Batlle, J. (2016). Impact of the Fukushima accident on marine biota, five years later. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 12(4), 654-658.
Supplemental information
Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer to wildlife (2014). Technical Reports Series No. 479. IAEA, Vienna.
Correspondence/contact details
Professor Nick Beresford
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg
Beaugelin-Seiller, K.
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
Wells, C.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Vives-Lynch, S.
Independent Radiological Protection Specialist
Vives i Batlle, J.
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Wood, M.D.
University of Salford
Tagami, K.
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Real, A.
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas
Burgos, J.
Independent Radiological Protection Specialist
Fesenko, S.
International Atomic Energy Agency
Cujic, M.
Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy
Kryshev, A.
Scientific & Production Association TYPHOON
Pachal, N.
McMaster University
Su, B.S.
McMaster University
Barnett, C.L.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Uchida, S.
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Hinton, T.
Fukushima University
Mihalík, J.
National Radiation Protection Institute
Stark, K.
Stockholm University
Willrodt, C.
Chaplow, J.S.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Other contacts
Rights holder
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Last updated
08 February 2024 17:31