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Nitrous oxide emissions from livestock urine in upland grasslands in North Wales, UK

A range of data were generated in the Uplands-N2O project including grazing behaviour, urine composition and soil properties for investigating key drivers of nitrous oxide emissions from livestock urine in the uplands.
The aims of this project were to improve understanding of the spatial and temporal interactions between grazing behaviour, forage selection, urine composition and edaphic conditions to improve the accuracy of direct N2O emission estimates from extensive grassland systems. The project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/M015351/1), ran from 2016-2019, and involved collaborations between Bangor University, Swansea University, Leicester University, Rothamsted Research at North Wyke and Texas A&M Kingsville. Datasets associated with this project can be found under this umbrella record.

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View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 (information prior to this was not collected)