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Prudhomme, C. et al

Future flows climate data

Future Flows Climate (FF-HadRM3-PPE) is an eleven-member ensemble climate projection for Great Britain at a 1-km resolution spanning from 1950 to 2098. It was specifically developed for hydrological application and contain daily time series of Available Precipitation, which is the precipiated water available to hydrological processes after delays due to snow and ice storage are accounted for; and monthly reference Potential Evapotranspiration calculated using the FAO56 method. Future Flows Climate is derived from the Hadley Centre's Regional climate projection ensemble HadRM3-PPE based on 11 different variants of the regional climate model run under the SRES A1B emission scenario. HadRM3-PPE is underpinning the UKCP09 products. Bias correction and spatial downscaling were applied to the total precpitation and air temperature variables before Future Flows Climate APr and PE were generated. The development of Future Flows Climate was made during the partnership project 'Future Flows and Groundwater Levels' funded by the Environment Agency for England and Wales, Defra, UK Water Research Industry, NERC (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and British Geological Survey) and Wallingford HydroSolutions.
Publication date: 2012-04-01