Morrison, R. et al
High temporal resolution meteorology and soil physics observations from INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2018
Cite this dataset as:
Morrison, R.; Angadi, S.S.; Cooper, H.M.; Evans, J.G.; Rees, G. ; Sekhar, M.; Taylor, C.; Tripathi, S.N.; Turner, A.G. (2019). High temporal resolution meteorology and soil physics observations from INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2018. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.
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This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
The dataset contains time series observations of meteorological and soil physics variables logged at one minute time resolution at three Land Surface Stations in India. The three INCOMPASS Land Surface Stations were located at: (1) agricultural land in Southern Karnataka (Berambadi); (2) the University of Agricultural Sciences in Dharwad in northern Karnataka; and (3) a semi-natural grassland at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur (IITK), Uttar Pradesh.
Observations were collected under the Interaction of Convective Organization and Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea (INCOMPASS) Project between January 2016 and January 2019.
Observations were collected under the Interaction of Convective Organization and Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea (INCOMPASS) Project between January 2016 and January 2019.
Publication date: 2019-04-12
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84
Temporal information
Temporal extent
2016-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Provenance & quality
Meteorological and soil physics observations were collected using identical instrumentation at all three INCOMPASS Land Surface Stations. Meteorological observations include: the net radiation and its incoming and outgoing short- and long-wave components, air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and rainfall. Soil physics observations include: Soil heat fluxes, soil temperatures and soil volumetric water content. Quality control (QC) of meteorological variables included range checking and visual checks for spikes, dropouts and other clearly erroneous values.
Further details are available in the supporting documentation.
Further details are available in the supporting documentation.
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Morrison, R.; Angadi, S.S.; Cooper, H.M.; Evans, J.G.; Rees, G. ; Sekhar, M.; Taylor, C.; Tripathi, S.N.; Turner, A.G. (2019). High temporal resolution meteorology and soil physics observations from INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2018. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.
© UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Bhattacharya, B.K., Mallick, K., Desai, D., Bhat, G.S., Morrison, R., Clevery, J.R., Woodgate, W., Beringer, J., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Ma, S., Verfaillie, J., & Baldocchi, D. (2022). A coupled ground heat flux-surface energy balance model of evaporation using thermal remote sensing observations. Biogeosciences, 19(23), 5521-5551
Samuel, J.B. & Chakraborty, A. (2023) Integration of a Groundwater Model to the Noah Land Surface Model for Aquifer‐Soil Interaction. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15.
Correspondence/contact details
Dr. Ross Morrison
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford
OX10 8BB
OX10 8BB
Angadi, S.S.
University of Agricultural Sciences
Evans, J.G.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Rees, G.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Sekhar, M.
Indian Institute of Science
Taylor, C.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Tripathi, S.N.
Indian Institute of Technology
Turner, A.G.
University of Reading
Other contacts
Rights holder
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Air temperature , atmospheric humidity , atmospheric precipitation , Barometric pressure , Berambadi , climate , Dharwad , Incoming long wave radiation , Incoming short wave radiation , INCOMPASS , INteraction of Convective Organisation with Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea , Kanpur , monsoon , Net radiation , Outgoing long wave radiation , Outgoing short wave radiation , rainfall , Relative humidity , Soil , Soil heat flux , Soil temperature , Surface flux , weather , wind direction , wind speed
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/L013819/1
Last updated
19 April 2024 09:44