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Tshering, D. et al

Farming household survey for the evaluation of nitrogen options for economic and social benefit in the eastern region of Bhutan, 2022

This dataset holds survey data of individual farming households in the Eastern region in Bhutan relating to their nitrogen use. The survey was conducted in 2022 and the questions covered two seasons (2022 and 2021 farming seasons) asked at a single visit in the 2022 season. The questions on the winter season were based on recall.

The data cover the following topics: household characteristics, general farm characteristics, plot characteristics, crop production and harvest, synthetic and organic fertiliser use and compost production, labour, irrigation, pesticides, livestock, information sources, drivers of and barriers to adoption of sustainable practices, attitude, behaviour, perception and opinion, household expenditure and income, household asset and wealth, subsidies.

The data were collected primarily to assess differences in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and sustainable nitrogen practices between households. The data also aim to enhance understanding of farmers’ attitudes, opinion and decision making affecting NUE in crop production and farm related factors which enable adoption of sustainable practices.

The data are part of a wider SANH (South Asian Nitrogen Hub) harmonised household survey covering Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Publication date: 2024-08-29