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Iwanicka, A.; Duarte, F.; Stephens, A.

Monthly ammonia measurements from passive samplers using ALPHA® PTFE1010 membrane at four UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Pollutants (UKEAP) network sites, 2022

Data comprise monthly ammonia air concentrations from UK CEH ALPHA® (Adapted Low-cost Passive High Absorption) samplers co-located with UKEAP DELTA sites from January 2022 to December 2022. The UK Eutrophying and Acidifying atmospheric Pollutants (UKEAP) network measures air pollutants at rural sites across the UK. Originally the purpose of these measurements was for a calibrated ALPHA® uptake rate for the UK CEH Edinburgh research laboratory. Samplers are exposed in monthly cycles at the beginning of each month.
Publication date: 2023-10-19