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Laize, C.L.R.; Acreman, M.C.; Schneider, C.; Dunbar, M.J.; Houghton-Carr, H.A.; Florke, M.; Hannah, D.M.

Ecological risk due to river flow alteration under climate and socioeconomic change scenarios

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This dataset contains modelled outputs of the European river network modelled as 33,668 cells (5° longitude by 5° latitude). For each cell, modelled monthly flows were generated for an ensemble of tenscenarios for the 2050s and for the study baseline (naturalized flows for 1961 to 1990). Score classes are categorisation of flow alteration scenarios.
Publication date: 2014-04-30

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Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Temporal information

Temporal extent
1961-01-01    to    2050-12-31

Provenance & quality

The river network was modelled as 33,668 cells (5° longitude; 5°latitude). For each cell, modelled monthly flows were generated for an ensemble of 10 scenarios for the 2050s and for the study baseline (naturalized flows for 1961-1990). These future scenarios consist of combinations of two climate scenarios and four socio-economic water-use scenarios (with a main driver of economy, policy, security or sustainability). Environmental flow implications are assessed using the new Ecological Risk due to Flow Alteration (ERFA) methodology, based on a set of monthly flow regime indicators (MFRIs). Differences in MFRIs between scenarios and baseline are calculated to derive ERFA classes (no, low, medium and high risk), which are based on the number of indicators significantly different from the baseline. ERFA classes are presented as colour-coded pan-European maps. Observed historical climate data for the reference period 1961-1990 were collated from the Climate Research Unit (University of East Anglia, UK). Projected future climate data for the period 2040-2069 (i.e. 2050s) were taken from two Global Circulation Models (GCMs): (i) IPSL-CM4, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, France (IPCM4 thereafter); and (ii) MIROC3.2, Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo, Japan (MIMR thereafter). These two GCMs were chosen after comparing nine GCMs from the IPCC Fourth Assessment (IPCC, 2007); they were considered representative of the variability between GCMs (Bärlund, 2010). For both GCMs, the IPCC SRES A2 emission scenario (IPCC, 2007) was selected. In total, 11 sets of modelled monthly flow series were generated using different combinations of climate data inputs and socio-economic scenarios. Naturalized flows for 1961-1990 were generated by running WaterGAP with the hydrological component only (i.e. no water usage) and the historical climate data from CRU as input.

Licensing and constraints

Licence terms and conditions apply

Cite this dataset as:
Laize, C.L.R.; Acreman, M.C.; Schneider, C.; Dunbar, M.J.; Houghton-Carr, H.A.; Florke, M.; Hannah, D.M. (2014). Ecological risk due to river flow alteration under climate and socioeconomic change scenarios. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

CEH, Centre for Environmental Systems Research and the University of Birmingham must be acknowledged in all resultant publications

If you use this dataset you must acknowledge the following resource: Laize, C.L.R.; Acreman, M.C.; Schneider, C.; Dunbar, M.J.; Houghton-Carr, H.A.; Florke, M.; Hannah, D.M.. 2013 Projected flow alteration and ecological risk for pan-European rivers. River Research and Applications.

Supplemental information

Laizé, C.L.R., Acreman, M.C., Schneider, C., Dunbar, M.J., Houghton-Carr, H.A., Flörke, M., & Hannah, D.M. (2013). PROJECTED FLOW ALTERATION AND ECOLOGICAL RISK FOR PAN-EUROPEAN RIVERS. River Research and Applications, 30(3), 299–314

Correspondence/contact details

Dr. Cedric Laize
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford
OX10 8BB


Laize, C.L.R.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Acreman, M.C.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Schneider, C.
Centre for Environmental Systems Research
Dunbar, M.J.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Houghton-Carr, H.A.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Florke, M.
Centre for Environmental Systems Research
Hannah, D.M.
University of Birmingham

Other contacts

NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
INSPIRE themes
Bio-geographical Regions
Environmental Monitoring Facilities
Habitats and Biotopes
Land Use
Climate and climate change , Europe , Hydrology , Modelling , river flow , streamflow , water , water levels
Last updated
08 February 2024 17:29