Lefebvre, D.

Life cycle assessment carbon model to determine the net greenhouse gas balance of reforesting one hectare of goldmining-degraded soil in the Peruvian amazon

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This model combines the carbon footprint of a reforestation project in the Peruvian amazon with a biomass model of the growing trees and a soil carbon model. The script aims at estimating the net carbon capture potential of a growing forest located in the Peruvian amazon and on degraded sandy soil only. It compares the emissions associated with setting up a reforestation plot (from seed reception to seedling transplant) with the expected carbon capture by the growing trees and increased soil carbon stock at a desired timescale. The model includes the production, use, and degradation of biochar. This model was produced within the Soils-R-GGREAT project, funded by NERC.
Publication date: 2022-04-25