Ersek, V.; Bendle, J.
Stable isotope and U/Th speleothem measurements from Vietnam, 200,000–334 years BP
This dataset is under embargo and will be made available by 3 November 2025 at the latest Find out more »
Cite this dataset as:
Ersek, V.; Bendle, J. (2024). Stable isotope and U/Th speleothem measurements from Vietnam, 200,000–334 years BP. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
This dataset is under embargo and will be made available by 3 November 2025 at the latest Find out more »
The data includes carbon and oxygen stable isotopes together with top and bottom U-Th ages of stalagmites collected in Northwest, Central and Southern Vietnam. The purpose of this work was to identify suitable specimens that can be used for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. The stalagmites collected were found broken in-situ, and the exact location of the caves is not given here for cave protection purposes. The stalagmites were collected in February and March 2023, and geochemical analyses performed between April and December 2023.
Publication date: 2024-07-25
View numbers valid from 25 July 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84
Provenance & quality
Samples were brought to the laboratory from the field and cleaned with deionised water. The stalagmites were cut in half along the growth axis using a diamond wiresaw. Subsamples for stable isotopes and U-Th dating were collected using a Sherline 2000 micromill.
Stable isotope values were calculated based on international standards NBS18 and IAEA60. U-Th ages are reported relative to 1950 CE and assume a Thorium-230/Thorium-232 atomic ratio of 4 (± 2) x 10e-6. Samples were completely dissolved in diluted hydrochloric acid and spiked with a Thorium-229/Uranium-233,236 tracer, after which they were converted to nitric form by boiling nitric acid. The U/Th separations were conducted with extraction chromatography and the final U and Th fractions were measured using a Thermo Scientific Neptune MC-ICPMS.
Stable isotope values were calculated based on international standards NBS18 and IAEA60. U-Th ages are reported relative to 1950 CE and assume a Thorium-230/Thorium-232 atomic ratio of 4 (± 2) x 10e-6. Samples were completely dissolved in diluted hydrochloric acid and spiked with a Thorium-229/Uranium-233,236 tracer, after which they were converted to nitric form by boiling nitric acid. The U/Th separations were conducted with extraction chromatography and the final U and Th fractions were measured using a Thermo Scientific Neptune MC-ICPMS.
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is under embargo and will be made available by 3 November 2025 at the latest Find out more »
This dataset will be available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Ersek, V.; Bendle, J. (2024). Stable isotope and U/Th speleothem measurements from Vietnam, 200,000–334 years BP. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
Correspondence/contact details
Ersek, V.
Northumbria University
Sutherland Building,
Other contacts
Rights holder
Northumbria University
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/X011771/1
Last updated
19 November 2024 09:58