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Montes-Pulido, C.; Feldpausch, T.R.; Pennington, T.; Bird, M.; Quesada, C.

Soil nutrients, bulk density and pyrogenic carbon in permanent monitoring plots along altitudinal and forest perturbation gradients in the Colombian Andes, 2019-2022

The dataset contains information on soil nutrients including pH, available phosphorus, total phosphorus, texture analysis in sand, clay and silt, and exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, Na. Soil pyrogenic carbon, including Total Organic Carbon (TOC) (%C_(Bulk)), pyrogenic carbon D13C (lower, median, and upper), pyrogenic carbon (Cpyc), Cpyc%/CBulk, organic carbon and soil bulk density and dry weight of roots. The datasets include information about the plot location and parameters of the locality. The data were collected between 2019 and 2022 from 27 forest monitoring plots (0.5 ha each) in five locations along an altitudinal (lowland, mid-elevation, and highland forests) and forest perturbation (low, medium, and high perturbation levels) gradient in Andean ecosystems in Colombia. The objective of this data collection was to determine the change in soil characteristics between the disturbance gradients. This information is important for understanding the drivers of variation in forest resilience and the impacts of disturbance on ecosystem functioning.

This data set was obtained within the framework of the BioResilience project, a transdisciplinary investigation that seeks to understand the Resilience of forest ecosystems after the post-conflict period in Colombia. This research was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council Fund (NE/R017980/1).
Publication date: 2023-09-11