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Wu, L.; Gongadze, K.; Harris, P.

Simulated winter wheat and maize above-ground dry matter, soil organic matter and soil water, Changwu, China 1983-2015 and future climate scenarios to 2049

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The model-generated dataset includes simulated daily dry matter accumulation of above-ground organs (leaves, stems and grains) of winter wheat and maize, soil water content in different soil layers and organic matter stocks in the topsoil and subsoil layers, and final crop dry matter from 1983 to 2004 (wheat) or 2015 (maize). A prediction of the variables under various future climatic scenarios is also included.

The SPACSYS model was applied to a historic experimental site on the Loess Plateau in China. Observed crop yields of winter wheat from 1993 to 2004 and maize from 1983 to 2015 were used to validate the model. The validated model was run again under different climate scenarios from 2015 to 2049 to predict daily dry matter accumulation of above-ground organs including leaves, stems and grains, daily soil water content in different layers and soil organic carbon stocks in the topsoil and subsoil layers.
Publication date: 2021-08-23

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View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)


Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)

Temporal information

Temporal extent
1983-01-01    to    2015-12-31

Provenance & quality

The dataset was generated by simulations with the process-based SPACSYS model. Parameters were calibrated with the published crop dry matter at the site
For management in simulations, ploughing before the wheat growing season occurred in September and for maize in April each year. A fertiliser application rate for winter wheat and maize is 20.7g N/m2 and 14.7g N/m2. The form of fertiliser was assumed as urea. Simulation results for the variables are complete.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Wu, L.; Gongadze, K.; Harris, P. (2021). Simulated winter wheat and maize above-ground dry matter, soil organic matter and soil water, Changwu, China 1983-2015 and future climate scenarios to 2049. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.

Supplemental information

Wu, L., McGechan, M.B., McRoberts, N., Baddeley, J.A., Watson, C.A., 2007. SPACSYS: integration of a 3D root architecture component to carbon, nitrogen and water cycling - model description. Ecol. Model. 200, 343-359.

Correspondence/contact details

Dr. Lianhai Wu
Rothamsted Research


Gongadze, K.
Rothamsted Research
Harris, P.
Rothamsted Research

Other contacts

Rights holder
Rothamsted Research
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
critical zone , Loess Plateau , model , soil , soil organic matter , soil water , soil water water dynamics
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/N007433/1
Last updated
14 March 2024 15:45