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NERC National Capability SUNRISE Project datasets

SUNRISE_logo SUNRISE: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Human Health and Support Economic Development

SUNRISE supports the realisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by improving livelihoods and wellbeing through research to reduce environmental risk, improve environmental quality and improve reliability of the supply of food, water and other natural resources. UK CEH will apply its expertise to investigate and provide advice on flood and drought modelling and water management, improving air quality, reduced livestock disease, enhancing soil quality and the sustainability and resilience of smallhold farming systems.

The project comprises three work packages:
1. Developing hydro-climate services for water management aims to address the challenge of understanding and predicting water dynamics in areas of incomplete and spatially sparse data, and so improve decision making in India, China and Sub-Saharan Africa. (Lead scientist: Harry Dixon)

2. Restoration and remediation of degraded resources will fill a knowledge gap by attributing the main causes of degradation of air quality (India and China), water (China, India and Sub-Saharan Africa) and soils systems (Malaysia and Indonesia) and by determining the key factors that affect both rate and stability of recovery. (Lead scientist: Niall McNamara)

3. Managing land to ensure environmental sustainability will investigate the factors limiting productivity and/or compromising the resilience of smallholder farming systems in India, Indonesia and Sub-Saharan Africa, and investigate novel interventions to enable the local development of systems that are resilient to environmental change. (Lead scientist: Stephen Cavers)

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View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 (information prior to this was not collected)

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