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Robroek, B.J.M.; Shepherd, H.E.R.; Steele, M.N.; Dumont, M.G.

Plant community data from burned peat soil on the Stalybridge estate (UK), October 2018

This dataset is a compilation of results obtained from vegetation surveys in the Stalybride estate moorlands (commonly known as the Saddleworth moors) following a wildfire in 2018. Ten plots were established in October 2018 at the post-fire site which were 10 m x 10 m in size. Five plots were identified as suffering a less severe (shallow) burn. The other 5 plots were in areas where a more severe (deep) burn. In all plots the surface vegetation had been removed by the fire exposing the bare peat.

The data file contains: (1) On-site post-fire vegetation data – species ID and coverage, and (2) species presence in the one-year post-fire seed bank.

The dataset is the result of research in the light of an NERC Urgency grant entitled 'RECOUP-Moor: Restoring Ecosystem CarbOn Uptake of Post-fire Moorland' (NE/S011943/1, led by Dr. Bjorn Robroek of the University of Southampton (now Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands).
Publication date: 2022-01-13