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Vasilopoulos, G.; Robins, P.E.; Chien, N.

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for the Conwy estuary, Wales

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This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

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The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) domain includes the tidally influenced Conwy estuary, downstream of the Cwmlanerch river gauge on the River Conwy and extending offshore into Conwy Bay and the Menai Strait at the coastal boundary. A number of sources were combined to generate the land elevation data, including (a) seabed bathymetry, (b) land elevations and (c) location and heights of existing flood defences. The domain topography was based on the marine DEM, Lidar Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Ordnance Survey Terrain 5m DTM. The Lidar DTM data was used to check and, where necessary, augment the flood defences vector database.
Publication date: 2024-01-15

More information

View numbers valid from 15 January 2024 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)



Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Spatial reference system
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid

Provenance & quality

a) Seabed bathymetry for the Menai Strait, Conwy Bay and the mouth of the Conwy estuary extending upstream to the Conwy Bridge were obtained from marine Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) distributed by OceanWise and made available through Digimap. These marine DEMs consist of bed elevations measured with single- and multibeam sonar sensors and converted into raster tiles of 1 arc second horizontal resolution. They are referenced to the WGS 1984 coordinate system and the recorded bathymetry is referenced to the local Chart Datum at Llandudno.
b) The majority of land elevations for this catchment (73%) have been surveyed by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) using Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) technology through a series of aerial surveys spanning multiple years (2016-2020). The composite-derived Digital Terrain and Surface Models (DTMs and DSMs, respectively) were obtained from Digimap. The raster tiles have 1 m resolution, are projected to the British National Grid and the elevations are referenced to the national Ordnance Survey vertical datum at Newlyn. The difference between DTMs and DSMs is that the former represents earth terrain and as such has all ‘above-surface’ features (e.g. vegetation, human-made structures) removed, which are included in the latter.
Elevation data for the remaining land areas not covered by the Lidar-based composites (27%) were extracted from the Ordnance Survey Terrain 5 m DTM also available through Digimap. This lower-resolution dataset has national coverage and consists of elevation data obtained from multiple sources including airborne Lidar, photogrammetry and field surveys. The data are provided as raster tiles of 5 m resolution projected to the British National Grid with elevations referenced to the national Ordnance Survey vertical datum at Newlyn.
c) Locations and heights of flood defences were obtained from the NRW data catalogue. These data consist of vector shapefiles projected to the British National Grid with polylines detailing the location of flood defences including information on the type of defence (e.g. wall, embankment) and the height of the crest above the terrain in metres.
All spatial data outlined above were imported into ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and processed to generate the DEM. Individual raster files pertaining to the various datasets outlined above were mosaiced into a single raster tile and resampled to 5 m resolution using a bilinear interpolation method.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Vasilopoulos, G.; Robins, P.E.; Chien, N. (2024). Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for the Conwy estuary, Wales. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.

Correspondence/contact details

Robins, P.E.
Bangor University


Vasilopoulos, G.
University of Hull
Robins, P.E.
Bangor University
Chien, N.
University of Edinburgh

Other contacts

Rights holder
Bangor University
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
coast , Digital Elevation Model , digital land model , estuary , Modelling
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/V004239/1
Last updated
03 June 2024 07:42