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Evans, P.M.; Čejka, T.; Václavík, T.; Bullock, J.M.

European-wide maps of modelled farm-level ecosystem services, 2019

The dataset presented provides average per-farm ecosystem service (ES) values for each NUTS3 region for Europe for the year 2019. The modelled ES are: carbon sequestration [t C ha-1 yr-1], food production (standard economic output) [euros yr-1], and nutrient (nitrogen) export [kg N yr-1]. The data is stored in vector files (GeoPackage). The per-farm ES values were modelled for five sub-country case studies and upscaled for each NUTS3 region where sufficient evidence supported a successful transfer and upscaling.
Note that the criteria for upscaling the carbon sequestration were not met for any NUTS3 region and therefore the carbon sequestration is returned as NULL for each region.
Publication date: 2024-08-23