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Razakamanarivo, H.; Razafimbelo, T.; Andriamananjara, A.; Rianahary, A.; Razafindrakoto, M.; Harinirina, A.

Soil profile and chemistry data in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar

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Data comprise soil profile (soil texture and pit description during fieldwork) and soil chemistry (bulk density, carbon content, carbon stock and organic carbon content obtained with thirteen carbon isotope analysis) from samples taken in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar.

Data were collected as part of a project funded by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme under work package 4 P4GES project, grant references: NE/K008692/1, NE/K010115/1, and NE/K010220-1.
Publication date: 2017-03-03

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Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2013-06-01    to    2017-02-28

Provenance & quality

Two methods were applied for the soil sampling. One for bulk density samples and the other for soil carbon sampling.

Soil sampling by auger for soil carbon determination. It is done in the 4 subplots every 10 cm depth for 0 to 100 cm. That means 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-40 cm, 40-50 cm, 50-60 cm, 60-70 cm, 70-80 cm, 80-90 cm and 90-100 cm depth.

Soil sampling by cylinder for bulk density sampling. The metallic cylinder used for this sampling has a diameter of 8.1cm. It was performed in the soil pits located in the 3 subplots (subplot n°1, n°2 and n°3), according to the depths: 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 50-60 cm and 80-90 cm. These samples are used for the bulk density measurement. Some samples, to estimate the moisture were also taken in addition to these samples to the cylinder.

Soil profile description. This activity was conducted in the subplot 1 soil pit located in the center of each plot, with a depth of 1.30 m. Its objectives was to determine and describe the different soil horizons, know their colors (by using the soil color of Munsell), their textures and structures and root depth. The abundance of roots and porosity were also observed and recorded.

Soil sample were labelled and sent to the sample preparation room, where they undergo the following preparations:
- air drying at least 3 days
- sieving through a sieve with 2 mm size
- sieved sample collected in a plastic bag and weighed again
- coarse soil (rocks) and coarse root fraction > 2 mm were also recovered in another bag and weighed
- for classic soil analysis were done on the soil sample, it was ground to 200 microns
Different type of analysis is used for the quantification of the soil organic carbon.
Soil drying to determine the moisture. To determine the moisture of the soil samples, they are dried in stoves at 105°C during 48 hours. After, they are weighted and the moisture is obtained by the difference between the weight before and after the drying.

Walkley & Black method. The Walkley-Black titration method is one of the classical methods for rapid analysis of soil organic carbon. The organic material is oxidized without external heating by a sulfuric potassium dichromate solution. It is considered that the heat of solution of H2SO4 (120° C) is sufficient to oxidize 77% of carbon. The excess dichromate is determined by Mohr's salt (NH4) 2 Fe (SO4) 2, 6 H2O. The data obtained using these chemical analysis served as calibration reference for further soil analysis using spectrometry.

Mid Infra Red Spectroscopy (MIRS) soil analysis. The MIRS approach appeared to be a relatively recent soil analysis method. The principle is based on the absorption of infrared radiation by the organic matter. This absorption is related to the chemical composition of the samples. The measure of the light intensity absorbed at each wavelength leads to a characteristic spectrum of the studied product. Subsequently, it predicts the carbon organic contents by interpretation of the spectra.

Carbon stable isotope analysis using 13C. A few soil samples were collected according their land use and carbon stock along the soil profile. These samples were sent to the Laboratoire de Biochimie et Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes (LBMP montpelier) for stable isotope analysis.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Razakamanarivo, H.; Razafimbelo, T.; Andriamananjara, A.; Rianahary, A.; Razafindrakoto, M.; Harinirina, A. (2017). Soil profile and chemistry data in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

© Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo

Acknowledgement of the Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo is required for products derived from these data


This dataset is included in the following collections

Can Paying for Global Ecosystem Services reduce poverty? (P4GES)


Ghimire, C.P., (Ilja) van Meerveld, H.J., Zwartendijk, B.W., Bruijnzeel, L.A., Ravelona, M., Lahitiana, J., & Lubczynski, M.W. (2022). Vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation are the major drivers of transpiration in montane tropical secondary forests in eastern Madagascar. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 326, 109159

Correspondence/contact details

Herintsitohaina Razakamanarivo
Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo
Route d'Andraisoro


Razakamanarivo, H.
Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo
Razafimbelo, T.
Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo
Andriamananjara, A.
Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo
Rianahary, A.
Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo
Razafindrakoto, M.
Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo
Harinirina, A.
Laboratoire des Radio Isotopes, Université d'Antananarivo

Other contacts

NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor , bulk density , carbon , CAZ , delta 13C , ESPA , Madagascar , MIRS , soil
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/K008692/1
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/K010115/1
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/K010220/1
Last updated
01 March 2024 11:28