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Petty, C.; Acidri, J.; Ngoleka, S.

Annual timings for crop, livestock and fishing livelihoods from communities in the Katakwi District, Uganda, 2020

This dataset is a product of the raw HEA (household economy approach) data that were collected in sixteen communities in the Katakwi district, and the raw IHM (individual household method) data that was collected with 42 households in the community of Anyangabella, and 51 households in the community of Kaikamosing. These data were collected in December 2020 and shows the crop calendars of the Katakwi district. These data consist of quantitative information relating to crop and fishing production timelines throughout a typical agricultural year. The data were collected to support the analysis of vulnerability levels of different to further support livelihood impact modelling, and the development of targeted policies to support resilience at household and community level. The data collection team comprised of local, Ugandan partners. All data were collected in the local language and translated into English.
Publication date: 2021-04-01