Thompson, F.J.; Nichols, H.J.; Cant, M.A.

Parentage assignments from a genetic pedigree of a wild population of banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2000-2019

The data contains the genetic identity of parents (maternal and paternal identities and assignment probabilities) identified from DNA extracted from tail tips analysed using the MASTERBAYES program, for individual banded mongooses in a wild population on the Mweya Peninsula, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda between 2000-2019.

A nine generation deep genetic pedigree was constructed from which maternity and paternity assignments were calculated. This data was used to calculate lifetime reproductive success for individuals in the population who were exposed to conflict with rival groups to determine the fitness costs and benefits of intergroup conflict. In addition the type of microsatellite panel used to genotype the DNA samples is recorded.

Publication date: 2022-05-25